Signal in the Noise #840980

Signal in the Noise #840980
This unique work is a collaboration between a good friend of mine, Nocktilus, and myself.
Available for sale, here:
Acrylic on 30 x 40 cm canvas.
A good friend of mine, who graciously listened to me ranting about bitcoin years ago, painted this. I'd partly orange-pilled him a few years ago. First attempt was a dud. The few sats I sent him as test tx on old phone were lost.
Some time later, he comes into contact with sats again via the @JukeboxLNDbot and @NoderunnersFM TG group (
Side note: The first time round I think we used @SamouraiWallet, which I still think is great software by the way and its a shame they are in trouble for providing privacy tools. If you are still reading, consider donating some sats to their legal fund:
Anyway, this buddy of mine, Nocktilus (find his TG in the quoted tweet in OP), he's doing his own thing, working a delivery job for some company. Minding his own business when suddenly the company owner tells him, don't come into work, we are going bankrupt.
So, where he lives, there is a social support system that helps folks that are out of a job to make sure they get by in the transition period to a new job. However, the boss of the old job takes months and months to get the bankruptcy papers going…
Meanwhile, the social-security folks are not allowed to help him financially because legally he is still employed. No income? Tough shit! He has hard times paying as much rent as he can afford, which isn't much because food takes priority, of course.
This gets him into debt with the landlord, which sucks. So this continues for a few months. Result is, what sats he had managed to save up, are all gone to survive. He's currently doing a job for some folks abroad where he gets room and board in exchange for work.
In his spare time, he does his creative work and paintings. I told him, I would love to collaborate with him on some work and gave him a few of my own designs. This is how the "Signal in the Noise" paintings came about.
I told him I'd put it up on Plebeian Market with his story, if he so agreed, which he obviously did, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this, and see what happens. So, there you go. Any profits coming from the sale of this will be split fairly between the two of us. Please do let me know what you think of this story and the work. Is it something I should try and do more with other no-coiner friends? I think it's a nice way to get more people involved in bitcoin too. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it. And, if you like the work, consider buying it. Thank you for your time and attention!
You may find my collaborator under his handle, @Nocktilus, in the Noderunners Radio Telegram chat at